Morning Prayer observing the Sixth Sunday of Easter 2020

Christ in Judgment by Fernando Gallego, 1480

Morning Prayer: Rite II

Sunday, May 16, 2020 at 10 am (Mountain Time)

The Sixth Sunday of Easter – Ninth Sunday of the Quarantine

Opening Sentence BCP 77

Invitatory and Psalter BCP 80

Jubilate BCP 82

Psalm 66:7-18 BCP 674

First Reading – Acts 17:22-31

Canticle 19 – Song of the Redeemed BCP 94

Gospel – John 14:15-21


Apostles Creed BCP 96

The Prayers BCP 97

Suffrages A BCP 97

Collect of the Day BCP 225

Collects BCP 99

Prayer for Mission BCP 100

General Thanksgiving BCP 101

Prayer of St. Chrysostom BCP 102

Closing BCP 102

Evening Prayer Observing the Sixth Sunday of Easter 2020

Christ in Judgment by Fernando Gallego, 1480

Evening Prayer: Rite I

Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 5 pm (Mountain Time)

Observing the Sixth Sunday of Easter – Ninth Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence(s)                                   BCP 61

Invitatory and Psalter                                  BCP 63

Psalm 66:7-18                                                BCP 674

First Reading – Acts 17:22-31

Gospel – John 14: 15-21


The Apostles Creed                                     BCP 66

The Prayers                                                   BCP 67

Suffrages B                                                    BCP 68

Collect of the Day                                        BCP 174

Collect(s)                                                       BCP 69

Prayer for Mission                                       BCP 70

Invitation for Prayers                                  BCP 71

General Thanksgiving                                 BCP 71

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                       BCP 72

Closing                                                          BCP 73

Morning Prayer observing the Fifth Sunday of Easter 2020

“The Stoning of Stephen” by Paolo Uccello, ~1435

Evening Prayer: Rite I

Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 10 am (Mountain Time) – Live on YouTube!

Observing the Fifth Sunday of Easter – Eighth Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence                                               BCP 77

Invitatory and Psalter                                        BCP 80

Jubilate                                                                    BCP 82

Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16                                                BCP 622

First Reading – Acts 7:55-60

Canticle 19 – Song of the Redeemed           BCP 94

Gospel – John 14:1-14


The Apostles Creed                                            BCP 96

The Prayers                                                            BCP 97

Suffrages A                                                             BCP 97

Collect of the Day                                              BCP 225

Collect(s)                                                                BCP 99

Prayer for Mission                                               BCP 100

Invitation for Prayers                                        BCP 101

General Thanksgiving                                      BCP 101

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                             BCP 102

Closing                                                                    BCP 102

Evening Prayer observing the Fifth Sunday of Easter 2020

“The Stoning of Stephen” by Paolo Uccello, ~1435

Evening Prayer: Rite I

Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 5 pm (Mountain Time) – Live on YouTube!

Observing the Fifth Sunday of Easter – Eighth Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence(s)                                   BCP 61

Invitatory and Psalter                                  BCP 63

Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16                                         BCP 622

First Reading – Acts 7:55-60

Gospel – John 14:1-14


The Apostles Creed                                     BCP 66

The Prayers                                                   BCP 67

Suffrages B                                                    BCP 68

Collect of the Day                                        BCP 173

Collect(s)                                                       BCP 69

Prayer for Mission                                       BCP 70

Invitation for Prayers                                  BCP 71

General Thanksgiving                                 BCP 71

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                       BCP 72

Closing                                                          BCP 73

Morning Prayer Observing the Fourth Sunday of Easter

“Good Shepherd” by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1902-1903

Morning Prayer: Rite II

Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 10 am (Mountain Time)

The Fourth Sunday of Easter – Seventh Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence                                 BCP 77

Invitatory and Psalter                            BCP 80

Jubilate                                                   BCP 82

Psalm 23                                               BCP 612

First Reading – Acts 2:42-47

Canticle 19 – Song of the Redeemed    BCP 94

Gospel – John 10:1 – 10


The Apostles Creed                               BCP 96

The Prayers                                           BCP 97

Suffrages A                                             BCP 97

Collect of the Day                                  BCP 225

Collect(s)                                                BCP 99

Prayer for Mission                                 BCP 100

Invitation for Prayers                             BCP 101

General Thanksgiving                           BCP 101

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                   BCP 102

Closing                                                   BCP 102

Evening Prayer Observing the Fourth Sunday of Easter

“Good Shepherd” by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1902-1903

Evening Prayer: Rite I

Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 5 pm (Mountain Time)

Observing the Fourth Sunday of Easter – Seventh Sunday of the Quarantine

Opening Sentence(s)                         BCP 61

Invitatory and Psalter                        BCP 63

Psalm 23                                        BCP 612

First Reading – Acts 2:42-47

Gospel – John 10:1 – 10


The Apostles Creed                          BCP 66

The Prayers                                     BCP 67

Suffrages B                                      BCP 68

Collect of the Day                            BCP 173

Collect(s)                                         BCP 69

Prayer for Mission                            BCP 70

Invitation for Prayers                        BCP 71

General Thanksgiving                       BCP 71

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                BCP 72

Closing                                           BCP 73

Morning Prayer Observing the Third Sunday of Easter

“Supper at Emmaus” by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601.

Morning Prayer: Rite II

Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 10 am (Mountain Time)

The Third Sunday of Easter – Sixth Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence                            BCP 77

Invitatory and Psalter                        BCP 80

Jubilate                                           BCP 82

Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17                           BCP 759

First Reading – Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Canticle 17 – The Song of Simeon     BCP 93

Gospel – Luke 24:13 – 35


The Apostles Creed                          BCP 96

The Prayers                                     BCP 97

Suffrages A                                      BCP 97

Collect of the Day                            BCP 224

Collect(s)                                         BCP 99

Prayer for Mission                            BCP 100

Invitation for Prayers                        BCP 101

General Thanksgiving                       BCP 101

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                BCP 102

Closing                                            BCP 102

Evening Prayer Observing the Third Sunday of Easter

“Supper at Emmaus” by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601.

Evening Prayer: Rite I

Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 5 pm (Mountain Time)

Observing the Third Sunday of Easter – Sixth Sunday of the Quarantine 

Opening Sentence(s)                         BCP 61

Invitatory and Psalter                        BCP 63

Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17                        BCP 759

First Reading – Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Gospel – Luke 24:13 – 35


The Apostles Creed                          BCP 66

The Prayers                                     BCP 67

Suffrages B                                      BCP 68

Collect of the Day                            BCP 173

Collect(s)                                         BCP 69

Prayer for Mission                            BCP 70

Invitation for Prayers                        BCP 71

General Thanksgiving                       BCP 71

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                BCP 72

Closing                                           BCP 73

Reopening? What?

On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, Governor Bullock announced a tentative plan for reopening our economy. The plan, “Reopening the Big Sky: Phased Approach,” lays out three stages to reopening our economy and society. Houses of worship have been given permission to resume worship on Sunday, April 26; however, the Episcopal Diocese of Montana will not be opening at that time. This will be a slow and gradual process that takes into consideration the safety of all people, including the most vulnerable. For the time being, online worship will be the norm. But, expect more information in the coming days.