Evening Prayer for 3/21/2020

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Evening Prayer: Rite I

Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 5 pm (Mountain Time)

Observing the Fourth Sunday of Lent – First Sunday of the Quarantine

Opening Sentence(s)                            BCP 61

Confession of Sin and Absolution       BCP 62

Invitatory and Psalter                           BCP 63

Psalm 23                                              BCP 612

Gospel – John 9:1 – 41 


The Apostles Creed                             BCP 66

The Prayers                                         BCP 67

Suffrages B                                          BCP 68

Collect of the Day                               BCP 167

Collect(s)                                             BCP 69

Prayer for Mission                               BCP 70

Invitation for Prayers                           BCP 71

General Thanksgiving                          BCP 71

A Prayer of St. Chrysostom                 BCP 72

Closing                                                BCP 73

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.