GC Day 4 – June 26, 2024 – Part One

Day 4 – June 26, 2024 – Part One

The morning began with Holy Eucharist in a variety of languages.  It was a beautiful liturgy and we heard a powerful sermon.  Following the distribution of Holy Eucharist the bishops departed to go to the diocesan cathedral to discern who shall be the next Presiding Bishop. 

During Wednesday morning’s Eucharist I got this nifty pic which highlights the size of the chalice and the amount of elements that must be consecrated for so many people. (There were many more pitchers and baskets than are pictured here).

415 Clerical Deputies, 414 Lay Deputies, for a 829 total deputies

106 dioceses have lay deputies, 109 dioceses have clergy deputies.

We have been told to prepare for an evening legislative session due to the volume of our legislation. 

First, we began with some elections.  Beginning with the election of a Treasurer of General Convention (N. Kurt Barns). He won with 93% of the vote. 

Next, we elected members to the Church Pension Fund Board of Trustees.  7 were elected on the first ballot.  On the second ballot… none were elected – all failing to receive the required 407 votes. On the third ballot, two were elected. For the fourth ballot, the number of candidates was reduced to seven, and three were elected!

We were then informed that a delegation from the House of Bishops had returned to share results from the deliberation of that body.  They will know meet with the House of Deputies committee on the election.  The House will be in recess until 2 pm when we will resume business.

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.

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