GC Day 5 – June 27, 2024 – Part One (of Three)

Morning began with Morning Prayer in our respective Houses.  We heard prayers and readings in many languages.  Following the Sermon, we heard the Necrology of the House of Deputies, which included the dear Rev. Steven Yurosko of Montana.  We also honored those who were injured or died in mass shootings in all of the dioceses of The Episcopal Church.  Singing hymns a cappella with approximately 900 Episcopalians is a powerful experience. 

415 Clerical Deputies, 414 Lay Deputies, for a total of 829 deputies

106 dioceses have lay deputies, 109 dioceses have clergy deputies.

We began with a report from the Official Youth Presence at General Convention.  They spoke powerfully about the need to expand youth involvement and the value of belonging over believing. 

After that, we moved to elect the Vice President of the House of Deputies.  The first ballot did not result in an election.  We voted on a second ballot and before receiving the results we prayed.  The Rev. Steve Pankey, of Kentucky, was elected.  (Disclosure: He was a seminary classmate)

We then moved on to the Consent Calendar.  It was adopted. 

We then moved into a special order on three resolutions related to the Rules of Order and relate to legislative committees.  There were many questions about the package of resolutions.   We moved on A152 – Resolution Submission Deadline in House of Deputies Rules of Order).  After lengthy discussion, we ended debate.  The vote was held electronically and passed with 85% of the vote. 

Next, we moved to D048 – Length of Future General Conventions.  The resolution would set the lengthy of General Convention to be at a minimum of 10 legislative days with up to 4 days for committee meetings before that.  This would be going back to a format used several decades ago.  The committee of jurisdiction recommended no further action be taken on this matter.  There was much discussion and then it was voted to “Take No Further Action” by a HUGE margin.

We then suspended the rules and considered two courtesy resolutions.  We first heard on A180 – Express gratitude for the life and ministry of the Very Rev. George L.W. Werner. It was approved with applause.  Finally, we addressed A188 – Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Eleven.  We then heard an amendment to add acknowledgement to the first woman to celebrate Eucharist in The Episcopal Church.  The amendment was passed, and the amended resolution passed.  We then sang to celebrate.

We then adjourned for lunch.  More fun begins at 2 pm.

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.

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