GC Day 5 – June 27, 2024 – Part Three

Special note: Steve getting tired, please forgive any excessive snark or attitude

414 Clerical Deputies, 413 Lay Deputies, for a total of 827 deputies

105 dioceses have lay deputies, 108 dioceses have clergy deputies.

Resumed business at 7:15 pm

First order of bid’ness was Consent Calendar III of the Day.

First legislation of the evening was A112 – Authorize use of the “Expanded Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings.”  The first person to speak was speaking against this expansion because it seems a bit redundant because we already have 7 approved lectionaries available to us.  This point was made by the brilliant Scott Gunn (of Forward Movement), whose blog was a pivotal resource in preparations for this Convention.  There were other speakers who supported this new lectionary.  We also heard a floor amendment. The amendment was adopted.  We ended debate.  Vote was by orders, and it was overwhelmingly adopted.

Next we stayed in the Prayer Book and Liturgy sector with A114 Authorize for use Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayer C.  Prior to this convention there were Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayers A, B, and D approved.  This is simply adding the equivalent version for Prayer C.  The vote was by order and passed with over 87% of the vote. 

Again, continuing with liturgy, we confronted A115 – Authorized use of alternative texts for the Good Friday liturgy.  I used this language, with the bishop’s permission, on Good Friday 2024 with one small change.  It is very good and worth using! It passed with near unanimous support. YAY!!

Continuing a theme, we faced off with A117 – Withdraw Rev. William Porcher DuBose from the Lesser Feasts and Fasts Calendar — Second Reading.  Who was William Porcher DuBose? Not a stellar follower of Jesus.  This is a vote by orders and was approved UNANIMOUSLY. (I tried to updated the Wikipedia entry and update it as we voted… alas, someone did it before me!)


Finally, we approached A129 – Lectionary for Lesser Feasts and Fasts. This provides full unique reading selections for all in Lesser Feasts and Fasts.  Great work! Vote by orders and it was approved overwhelmingly!

Courtesy resolution time: All approved.

A228 Express Gratitude to Paul Neuhauser

A225 Express Gratitude to Steve Hutchinson

Adjourned until 11 am on Friday… the last day!!! YAY!!!

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.

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