GC Day 6 – June 28, 2024 – Part 2

This brilliant song played just before we resumed business at 2 pm… for the Final Countdown.

We began with a powerful prayer from the great chaplain of the House. 

412 Clerical Deputies, 412 Lay Deputies, for a total of 824 deputies

105 dioceses have lay deputies, 108 dioceses have clergy deputies.

We began with thanking the legislative committees that had not brought any legislation to the floor.  Among them, interestingly, were Evangelism, Mission, and… Ministry.

The following legislation was added to a second Consent Calendar for today.

A127 – Establish a Working Group to Update Biographies in Lesser Feasts and Fasts

B001 – Experimental Creation Care Language for the Baptismal Covenant

C011 – Add Howard W. Thurman to The Episcopal Church Calendar

A186 – Give Thanks to Convention Staff and Hospitality Ministers

A184 – Express Gratitude to the City and People of Louisville

A227 Commend the life of Willie Howard Mays, Jr.

A230 Thanksgiving for all who ran for elected offices at General Convention

A234 – Expressing Gratitude for Sharon Jones

A223 – Create Alternative Working Group to Review Canons and Implement Changes Related to Revised Article X of the Constitution 

The consent calendar was adopted.

Then, we faced D051 – The Reunion of the Diocese of Wisconsin. This approves the reunion of the Dioceses of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee, into the Diocese of Wisconsin.  It was pointed out that this was “going back to the future” in that there was originally only one diocese.  The House voted by acclimation to create the Diocese of Wisconsin. 

We then adopted A169 – Celebrate the reunification of the Dioceses of Wisconsin.

Next, we moved back into the fun of canons with B008 – Amend Canon II.3.6.a and II.4 to clarify authorization of liturgies.  There was much discussion and an attempt to move it to an interim body.  That motion was defeated.  After mo’ discussion we ended debate and voted to approve the resolution.

Then we moved onto… more canons with A224 – Repeal of Article X with clarifying amendments (post 2024-A072). There was much serious discussion, and it was moved to refer to committee or interim body. Very, very, very lengthy discussion and debate.  There was a move to end debate, which passed.  We then voted to on referring it to a working group after a prayer.  That motion failed. In the end, we adopted the resolution.

We continued with canons with A223 – Amend Article I, Section 7. [Second Reading]). This allows for flexibility of when General Convention meets given extreme circumstances (like a global pandemic).  This is a… no brainer.   Approved unanimously… obviously.

Recess for 15 min.

Next we handled an easy and totally non-controversial topic with D013 – Affirm the Imperative of a Palestinian State.  This current resolution is the result of a conference committee with the lesser House of General Convention, the House of Bishops.  It represents the strongest language that the bishops (as a whole) will agree to.  It has been requested by multiple dioceses to vote by orders on this matter.  There was much discussion on both sides.  Some lamented that the language was not stronger.  The resolution passed.


Next, we tackled an equally non-controversial topic – A116 – Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading).  This is the (near) culmination of 9 years of work.  The rites were approved for trial use in 2015.  This will be a vote by orders.  It was approved.


We continued with A160 – Revise Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer, which will revise the BCP’s “Outline of the Faith” to bring it in line with the current polity of our Church.  In particular, it changes who marriage is open to – changes from a man and a woman, to two people.  The title is technically incorrect because the proper name for this section is “An Outline of the Faith (commonly called the Catechism),” however, I did not rise to point this out.  This is a vote by orders.  It passed.


We moved onto D035 – Authorize The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage.  Don’t ask me how this is different than the prior… I can’t immediately tell ya… However, this is the obvious thing to do.  Vote by orders.  Passed.


Moving to slight lighter topics (genuinely) we moved to A126 – Transfer dates of commemorations in Lesser Feasts and Fasts. This is self-explanatory if you look at the resolution.  That’s all I got to say.  However, there was a floor amendment to also remove “First Book of Common Prayer: Fix date on June 13.”  There was a point made that the amendment would effectively kill the resolution as a whole given that the House of Bishops have effectively adjourned. The amendment was defeated.  The resolution was approved by orders.

We moved onto B011 – Commemoration of Harriet Tubman. Obviously good thing.  It had been authorized for trial use, this simply makes it permanent.  That will be all.  Approved unanimously.  Duh. To quote the President of the House, “You can clap for Harriet Tubman.”

Next, we moved to A121 – Authorize the Commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris — Second Reading.  She was the first woman consecrated as bishop within the Anglican Communion.  I need not say more.  Vote by orders.  Approved unanimously.

Finally, we heard of C023 – Commemorating The Philadelphia Eleven in the Church Calendar. Vote by orders and approved unanimously.

Courtesy Resolutions – all approved (slight assumption):

No number – Thanks and appreciation to Secretary (The Rev. Dr.) Michael Barlowe of the General Convention Office

A183 – Give Thanks to the Diocese of Kentucky

A191 – Express Gratitude for the General Convention Children’s Program

A177 – Express Gratitude for the GCO Staff and Executive Officers of the General Convention

A194 – Express Thanks to the Parliamentarian of the House of Deputies

A190 – Extend Gratitude to the House of Deputies’ Chaplain

A229 – Gratitude for the Secretariat, Voting Secretary, and Committee on Dispatch

A176 – Commend the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton

A235 – Thanksgiving for the election of the Vice President of the House of Deputies

C001 – On the Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry

A231 – Commend Julia Ayala Harris

A232 – Thanksgiving for the election of the Presiding Bishop

Adjourned at some time… before 6, I hope.

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.

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