GC81 Day 2 – June 24, 2024 – Part Two

415 Clerical, 413 Lay Deputies present for a total of 829 total deputies.

106 dioceses have lay deputies, 109 dioceses have clergy deputies.

We quickly moved through approving the consent calendar for the day.  Yay. 

Then we went into a report from Committee 12 – Agencies and Boards.  We began with A101 which is about the Denominational Health Plan.  A study was conducted about the DHP and how equitable it is.  Simply put – the most expensive plans are being subsidized by those on the least expensive plans and there are great geographic disparities, especially those in the Navajolands.  Attached are some photos of slides that explain the issues.  After brief discussion, it was approved.

Committee 3 – Governance and Structure then presented C008.  The goal is to get to 10% diocesan assessment by 2033.  There was a minority report from the committee that was in opposition to the 10% goal.  There was strong discussion about this proposal – very, very, very lengthy discussion.  After lengthy debate, it was announced that multiple dioceses had requested a vote by order.  Our stellar chair of the deputation was very organized and had a paper ready for each of the deputies to voice their opinion.  In the end the vote failed.

Vote on C008

After a break, Rob Radtke, the President and CEO of Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) addressed the convention about the state of ERD and their important work. 

Then we moved onto a report from Committee 03 – Governance and Structure regarding resolution A002 which is recommending locations for the 83rd General Convention in 2030.  The locations are Kansas City, Missouri (Diocese of West Missouri); Minneapolis, Minnesota (Diocese of Minnesota); Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Diocese of Pittsburgh); Portland, Oregon (Diocese of Oregon); and San Juan, Puerto Rico (Diocese of Puerto Rico).

There were some concerns expressed about how the Diocese of Puerto Rico is always mentioned but has never been chosen to host a convention.  Then questions were raised about safety of some deputies in some dioceses given gender and other issues.  An amended version of the resolution passed.

We then moved onto Committee 05 – Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning And Healing on Resolution A031.  Then we heard an amendment that was calling for actually creating Spanish language materials that are specifically written for Spanish-speaking people, instead of a simple translation.  The amendment was unanimously adopted, as was the resolution. 

We then moved to Committee 16 – Safety, Wellness and Mental Health on Resolution A079. The resolution encourages for the Sunday closest to October 10 to be designated “Mental Health Awareness Sunday.”  This discussion continued for quite some time with… what some might call minutia.  After being split, Part A of the resolution were adopted. We then heard discussion on Part B.

We then heard from Committee 23 – Privilege and Courtesy on A189, which celebrates the 85 years of the ministry of ERD, formerly known as the Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief.  It was unanimously adopted.

The House then adjourned for the day.

Author: Father Stephen

Father Stephen started serving as the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church on January 10, 2020. Prior to that position he served as priest-in-charge in Miles City and Forsyth, Montana. He is originally from West Virginia and has experience in youth ministry, mission work and more.

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