News from “The Father”

Evening Prayer observing the Seventh Sunday after the Pentecost 2020

Saturday, July 18, 2020

5 pm Mountain Time

We are now resuming Evening and Morning Prayer on weekends due to a spike in COVID-19 in our area.

The complete service bulletin including readings is available for download here.

Catch the service either live or after the fact on our YouTube channel.

COVID-19 Announcement – July 2020

On Sunday, July 12, 2020, it was announced that St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church will suspend in-person worship effective immediately due to a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in Montana and especially in Yellowstone County. We will be going back to online worship beginning this coming weekend. A letter was sent out to everyone in the congregation on July 13 and it is also available on our website.

Please try and understand that this was not an easy decision to make and was done in the best interests of all people and to try to be examples to others of our love and concern for all.

Exciting Opportunity!

St. Stephen’s has been asked by the Diocese of Montana to consider hosting or co-hosting Diocesan Convention in October 2021.  This is a wonderful opportunity for us to welcome the people of our diocese to our town and share it with them.  We are exploring the idea of co-hosting the convention with St. Luke’s as a great opportunity to collaborate and share our gifts.  St. Stephen’s vestry is interested in this possibility and wants to see what you think.  We will need a small number of people to work on a task force to get things going, working alongside a similar group from St. Luke’s.  Diocesan Convention hasn’t been in Billings since 2014, so it is past time for us to take a turn.  

Please prayerfully consider the idea of us co-hosting convention and if you might be willing to help coordinate things.  If you are interested or have some thoughts to share, please reach out to me via email (

– Father Stephen

Saturday Evening Holy Eucharist observing Third Sunday after the Pentecost 2020

Barbara Johns in a high school graduation photo from 1952…via Moton Museum

Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 5 pm

Rite I Holy Eucharist

The standard Rite I Eucharist bulletin is available for download here.

Today’s readings are available here.

Live stream of liturgy available on YouTube

For more information about Barbara John’s check out this New York Times article from 2019.
