The Order of Daughters of the King, Bishop's Chapter
A Brief History
Bishop’s Chapter of the Daughters of the King was organized in 1927 by Bishop Faber. At that time the members were isolated ladies within the Diocese, and the Bishop assigned them the special task of combining forces through mail. Several years later Bishop Sterling gave the management of Bishop Daniels Memorial fund to the Chapter. The members gradually seemed to be gathered in or near Billings, and thus have met here for several years. However, membership is not confined to any one church or anyone town as other chapters are.
Members accompany the Priests when the Sacrament is taken to nursing homes for Communion services. Each member is assigned a specific month in which she is responsible for writing memorial letters to donors and advising family members of gifts made to the Memorial Foundation in memory of their loved one. Members are committed to daily prayer and service. Local members meet for corporate communion on the fourth Wednesday of each month at St. Stephen’s. The Eucharist is followed by a business meeting and social hour. There is also a program given by our Chaplain, Father Jasmer. Anyone wishing to join this group has only to consult the Priest or any of the members, as it is open to all who feel it is something that suits their needs.
2016 Current Events
The Order of Daughters of the King still meets regularly at St Stephen’s Episcopal Church on the 4th Wednesday of the months, January through June and September and October. Our chapter is now devoted to prayer, meditation, and study. With a deacon present it is no longer necessary for us to accompany the priests on visits, although we do try to stay in touch with those members of our church who are in need of special consideration such as visits, telephone calls, and cards. All members of the faiths with whom we are in communion, Lutheran, Catholic and Episcopalian, are welcome to join us for any and all of our activities. Our current President is Nicki Broch. You may reach her at 656-5187 or by email at