General Convention – Day 2 – June 24, 2024 – Part One

Day 2, 2024 – Part One

The morning began with a beautiful Morning Prayer service. Following worship we had a brief break before moving into a joint session.   The Houses of Bishops and Deputies gathered together at 10:30 am for a report from the Joint Budget Committee of the Executive Council.  This is the first General Convention where this was the process.  The former bishop of Montana, Bishop Brookhart also joined the deputation for this discussion.

During the presentation it was revealed that all or nearly all of the dioceses of The Episcopal Church were contributing the required 15% assessment.  That is quite an accomplishment! 91% of the income in the proposed 2025-2027 budget comes from diocesan assessments and investment income. 

The expected expenditures for the 2025-2027 budget are $143,191,158.  The budget sets aside $2,000,000 to be allocated by the new Presiding Bishop in consultation with The Executive Council.

There was a LOT of discussion about priorities and decisions made by the Joint Budget Committee.  There were a lot of concerns about the process and the way the budget was crafted.  There were also serious concerns about how questions were handled. 

To simplify things, here is a breakdown I created of the key categories of expenditures for the 2025 – 2027 Budget. 

Then we went to lunch.  Thankfully.

General Convention – Day 1, Part 2

Day 1 – June 23, 2024 – Part Two

The House of Deputies resumed business at 2pm and began with another test vote session.  We voted by orders on a resolution stating that ketchup should not be placed on hot dogs.  It failed to pass.  Then we were updated on a number of resolutions that were requested to be withdrawn from the consent calendar and placed on the legislative calendar.  We then voted on the consent calendar containing at least 40 resolutions. 

The House then discussed six resolutions (A149, A150, A151, A154, A153, A155) regarding the rules of order for the House.  These are… complex.  You can look at the Calendar of the House of Deputies here.

In the first two hours of discussion, the House of Deputies voted on three of the above resolutions.  Some were adopted, while others were rejected.  After a brief break, we resumed discussion on A154. That resolution was not adopted by the required 2/3rds majority.  Then we discussed A153, which was adopted relatively quickly.  The House then focused on A155 which was adopted very quickly.  A004 and A005 were then addressed and quickly adopted. 

The House then moved on with the regular calendar of legislation.  One of the more interesting, to me, at least, was addressing clean water in Hawaii D008. In part the resolution reads, “That the General Convention adds its voice to those of Native Hawaiians calling for the protection of the water of Oʻahu that continues to be threatened by the storage and removal of jet fuel and the closure of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility which the U.S. Navy manages.”  We should all be supportive of this! It was adopted unanimously!

The House then moved to Privilege and Courtesy Resolutions (A170, A171, A172, A174, A173).  These expressed thanks, greetings, appreciation, commemoration, and gratitude to various individuals and groups. 

General Convention – Day 1, Part 1

Day 1 – June 23, 2024 – Part one

This day began much earlier than the last but was much earlier for others.  Legislative committees began meeting at 7 am this morning for discussion on recent resolutions.  The business of the 81st General Convention began with Holy Eucharist at 8:30 am.  The preacher was the current President of the House of Deputies, Ms. Julia Ayala Harris.  She preached on the Gospel appointed for the day, Mark 4:35-41, and the theme of the 81st General Convention – “Together in Love.”

A highlight for me was the presence of a group of singers from the Anglican Church of Burma (Myanmar).  I spent three weeks in Burma traveling around three different dioceses there in January 2005 while in seminary.  I mentioned this to my dad, and he suggested I might know some of them. I then reminded him that it had been 19 years!

Following Eucharist, the houses began their respective business.  The House of Deputies began by verifying a quorum was present.  For the morning session of the first legislative day, we had 813 deputies present (representing relatively equal numbers of lay and clergy deputies).  It was pointed out that there was a deputy present here for his sixteenth time as a deputy of General Convention, meaning he began attending in 1976!   Other housekeeping items followed.

Break for lunch at noon.

Group of singers from Anglican Church in Burma (Myanmar) singing during the opening Eucharist.

General Convention – Day Zero

Day 0 – June 22, 2024

It was a slow morning for me as I was recovering from a long and stressful day of travel, time change, and the joys of humidity!

Around noon, I headed over to the convention center to register for convention.  I immediately saw and spoke with a seminary classmate who serves as Chaplain to the House of Deputies.  I checked in, got my credentials and iPad. 

I then made my way to the vast hall with exhibitions.  Quickly I ended up seeing several familiar faces from the Diocese of West Virginia.  I made my way around and saw several interesting booths.

At 2 pm both houses of General Convention (Deputies and Bishops) gathered to hear triennial reports from the President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop.  Following that we had an orientation to the House of Deputies.  We went through how to use our iPads and how to speak and vote. 

That evening most of the deputation from Montana gathered for dinner and discussion.