Fr. Jacob's May 2015 Newsletter Message
In season and out
It is 21 years since I was ordained priest. I think of that day in an ancient church in the middle of England and all the parishes and communities since that I have served, and remain honored and delighted that the Lord called me to this ministry. I am committed to the task entrusted to me on that day.
The Bishop all those years ago described the work to which priests are called in this way:
"A priest is to proclaim the word of the Lord, to call his hearers to repentance, and in Christ's name to absolve and to declare the forgiveness of sins. He is to baptize and prepare the baptized for Confirmation. He is to preside at the celebration of the Holy Communion. He is to lead his people in prayer and worship, to intercede for them, to bless them in the name of the Lord, and to teach and encourage by word and example. He is to minister to the sick, and prepare the dying for their death."
In season and out of season, you may expect me to lift up before you God's word, to exhort, encourage, and rebuke in Christ's name. For the Church is not mine, or yours, she is Christ's, bought with the price of his blood. You are his treasure and I will do all in my power to bring you to loving obedience to Him, that you may be guided through the wilderness of the world's temptations and confusions and so be saved, through Christ, forever.
As a young man I expected to serve only in the Church of England, but by the Lord's mercy I was called to leave behind my friends and homeland to serve St. Stephen's. It has been a deep joy and a great gift to me, and I thank you for the way in which you have made me part of your journey of faith.
The weighty responsibility before me is unchanged. I vowed before God that I believed the Scriptures to reveal all that is necessary for salvation. So, I still believe. I promised that I believed the doctrine of the Christian faith as the Church of England had received it. So, I still believe.
The mighty task - of being the church of God - lies ever before us - and because the task is so weighty, I have learned again and again, that the church exists only through God's grace and in the power of his Holy Spirit. So please pray for me, that the Lord may bring to completion the work he has begun for me. Please know that I pray for you.
Thank you again for giving me the honor of serving as your priest,
With much love,
Fr. Jacob